Sunday, January 16, 2011

BAD, BAD, Lysandra Brown.....

Well folks week number two was not NEARLY as successful as week number one. With super healthy boyfriend gone, I reverted back to my old chips for dinner ways. I can make excuses about how busy I was, and how the snow made me just want cheese, but really I need to find stronger internal motivation to cook healthy. There will always be excuses, but they may not always be trees!

Glad I kept up with the blog this week, though I was disappointed looking back at how little vegetables I ate. It was like the tale of how much pasta a person can eat. I made that alfredo sauce twice this week, it is DANGEROUSLY good.....

But NOT TO FEAR! I have a whole week of healthy things planned, and a kitchen full of delicious vegis including parsnips which I have never cooked with before, and a butternut squash which looks like a penis. I literally couldnt find ONE butternut squash that DIDNT look like a penis. Is that why it is called butterNUT? But that doesnt make sense, it should be butterpenis? Ahhh the things we think about and cant laugh about in the grocery store....

Anyway more to come tomorrow, will probably start the week with a mushroom pie! why pie? why NOT pie I ask you!?

Tonight Im watching the globes and ordering pizza. WHY? Because Im very very bad, and like eating pizza while watching skinny people accept awards they dont deserve and judging them on their offensively expensive outfits. Its the little superficial things in life....
Eat healthy out there yall!

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